Tribute Gifts Tribute Gifts Give a Tribute Gift Card! Donate to the Klamath Animal Shelter in honor of a loved one or a beloved pet. Just complete the Tribute Gift Card form and use the PAYPAL payment option. A special Gift Card can be sent, if you select this option, honoring the special recipient of your donation. Each Tribute Gift honors a loved one and helps your local pets. Your donations count! Have questions? Call 541-884-PETS (7387) *Please provide your full name and mailing address of person making donation. This is necessary in order to match donation to payment records. My Tribute Gift is to honor A Person A Pet Tribute Gift Type In Memory of In Honor of *Occasion Birthday Anniversary Wedding Graduation Congratulations Other If Other, please describe How much would you like to give as a Tribute Gift for your honoree? $10 $20 $50 $100 $ Other Amount *Please list your honoree’s name If other amount, please fill in amount of donation here. How would you like your Tribute Gift Card to be sent? Please send the honoree a Gift Card including the amount of the gift. Please send the honoree a Gift Card but DO NOT include the amount of the gift. No Gift Card sent N/A If Gift Card option is selected, please list the FULL NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS for card to be sent. Would you like a special message included in your Gift Card? If no special message is added, a standard notification message of Tribute Gift will be sent. ** Please click on the Paypal Button at the bottom in the SIDEBAR to enter donation amount. Don’t forget to click the SUBMIT BUTTON to submit form after the payment information is entered. THANK YOU ! element Font font-family font-size font-style font-variant font-weight letter-spacing line-height text-decoration text-align text-indent text-transform white-space word-spacing color Background bg-attachment bg-color bg-image bg-position bg-repeat Box width height border-top border-right border-bottom border-left margin padding max-height min-height max-width min-width outline-color outline-style outline-width Positioning position top bottom right left float display clear z-index List list-style-image list-style-type list-style-position Table vertical-align border-collapse border-spacing caption-side empty-cells table-layout Effects text-shadow -webkit-box-shadow border-radius Other overflow cursor visibility